Releasing a new source version¶
Pull and check dependencies¶
git pull --tags
make install-dev
Generate next version number¶
poetry version <patch|minor|major|prepatch|preminor|premajor|prerelease>
# ... or edit the version in pyproject.toml
export VERSION=`poetry version --short`
export OLD_VERSION=`git describe --tags --abbrev=0`
echo New version: $VERSION - Old version: $OLD_VERSION
Update version numbers¶
gsed -i -e "s/^__version__ = .*/__version__ = \"$VERSION\"/" harp/
gsed -i -e "s/^appVersion: .*/appVersion: \"$VERSION\"/" misc/helm/charts/harp-proxy/Chart.yaml
gsed -i -e "s/^version: .*/version: \"$VERSION\"/" misc/helm/charts/harp-proxy/Chart.yaml
Generate a changelog¶
git log --oneline --no-merges --pretty=format:"* %s (%an)" $OLD_VERSION.. > docs/changelogs/$VERSION.rst
git add docs/changelogs/$VERSION.rst
Move the unreleased changes (
vi docs/changelogs/unreleased.rst
)Edit the changelog index (docs/changelogs/index.rst) to add the new version (title, date).
Add a title to the new changelog file.
Add the performance graphs to the release note.
Add to git¶
poetry run make preqa
git add docs/reference
git add -p
Run the full test suite¶
This should be done from a clean virtualenv, but it’s not yet the case (mitigated for now by using a clean git worktree on each release, but this is undocumented for now).
Git add is there to check nothing was modified by QA suite.
poetry run make qa
git add -p
Create the git release¶
git commit -m "release: $VERSION"
Tag and push¶
git tag -am "release: $VERSION" $VERSION
git push origin `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` --tags
Eventually forward-port the new version¶
If a newer version line is available, checkout and merge the new version into it.
Create the GitHub release¶
Create the release from tag (button on the right).
To generate the markdown changes for github, use:
pandoc --wrap=none -s -o docs/changelogs/$VERSION.rst