Chores before releasing¶
Before a new release is sent to the world, it’s usually a good idea to do some housekeeping.
Python dependencies¶
Python dependencies are managed by poetry.
To view “outdated” dependencies (dependencies with newer versions available), use:
poetry show --latest --outdated
It is possible to explain why a dependency is installed using:
# With development dependencies
poetry show --tree
Frontend Dependencies¶
( cd harp_apps/dashboard/frontend; pnpm list )
To upgrade interactively:
cd harp_apps/dashboard/frontend;
pnpm update --interactive
Run the tests, luke¶
poetry run make qa
Eventually commit the updated dependencies¶
git add -p pyproject.toml poetry.lock harp_apps/dashboard/frontend/package.json harp_apps/dashboard/frontend/pnpm-lock.yaml
All good ? Let’s push that.
git commit -m "chore: cleanup and update dependencies"
git push