Docker & Docker Compose¶
A ready-to-use image is published on Docker Hub as makersquad/harp-proxy.
Download the image¶
To download the latest stable version, use:
docker image pull makersquad/harp-proxy
Tags are available for all tagged versions, and for latest points of main and dev branches (git-main and git-dev respectively).
Start a proxy¶
For a test run, you can:
docker run -it --rm -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 makersquad/harp-proxy
This will start the proxy using the default settings (in memory sqlite storage) and by default, the dashboard will be available locally on the 4080 port.
This first run is not very interesting, because there are no proxy ports configured. Nothing can get through, yet.
Stop this container and run another with a remote endpoint setup:
docker run -it --rm -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 makersquad/harp-proxy server --endpoint httpbin=4000:
This will start a container with an additional port that will proxy requests to
In another terminal, send a few requests through the configured proxy port (you can use your favorite http client for this instead of curl):
curl -X GET "http://localhost:4000/get" -H "accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "http://localhost:4000/post" -H "accept: application/json"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:4000/put" -H "accept: application/json"
Open the dashboard again, you’ll be able to see the transactions that went through.
Adding a configuration file¶
If you want to add a simple configuration file, you can mount it in the default system location using docker.
First, create a configuration file:
cat > harp.yaml <<EOF
- name: httpbin
port: 4000
Then run the container again, binding it to /etc/harp.yaml
docker run -it --rm -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 --volume $(pwd)/harp.yaml:/etc/harp.yaml makersquad/harp-proxy server
Use docker compose¶
To add a harp proxy to your docker-compose.yml file, first create a configuration file:
cat > harp.yaml <<EOF
- name: httpbin
port: 4000
Then add the following to your docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3'
image: makersquad/harp-proxy
- "./harp.yaml:/etc/harp.yaml"
- "./harp-data:/var/lib/harp/data"
- 4000-4100:4000-4100
This example setup will bind two volumes: one for the local configuration file and one to store data locally. You must create the harp.yaml file (empty will do) and the harp-data directory before starting the container, but you don’t have to bind those volumes if you don’t want to.
Once you’re ready, just start your service set:
docker-compose up
You’ll be able to find the same setup as we previously described using docker by itself, but with the added benefit of having a configuration file (instead of passing all settings on command line (this is also possible using docker by itself, but is out of this document scope for now).