Source code for harp.models.transactions

import dataclasses
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List

from .base import Entity
from .messages import Message

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(kw_only=True) class Transaction(Entity): id: str = None """Unique identifier for this transaction.""" type: str # enum http websocket lifecycle ... """Type of ASGI transaction: http, websocket, lifecycle, ...""" endpoint: str = None """Endpoint name, if any (this describes which proxy controller handled the request).""" started_at: datetime """Timestamp of the transaction start.""" finished_at: datetime = None """Timestamp of the transaction end (if it has ended), or None.""" # Computed fields elapsed: float = None """Elapsed time in seconds, if the transaction has ended.""" tpdex: int = None """TPDEX score, if the transaction has ended.""" # Relations messages: List[Message] = None tags: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) # Extra attributes extras: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) # Markers, used for transaction management (e.g. skip storage on high pressure) markers: set = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
[docs] def as_storable_dict(self, /, *, with_messages=False, with_tags=False): """Create a dict that can be passed to a storage creation method.""" data = self._asdict() if not with_messages: data.pop("messages", None) if not with_tags: data.pop("tags", None) extras = data.pop("extras", {}) data["x_cached"] = extras.get("cached") data["x_method"] = extras.get("method") data["x_no_cache"] = bool(extras.get("no_cache")) data["x_status_class"] = extras.get("status_class") return data
def _asdict(self, /, *, secure=True): result = dataclasses.asdict(self) del result["markers"] return result