Source code for

from typing import Callable, Optional, Self

from whistle import Event

from harp import get_logger
from harp.http import BaseHttpMessage, HttpError, HttpResponse
from harp.http.requests import HttpRequest
from harp.models import Transaction
from harp.views.json import serialize

logger = get_logger(__name__)

#: Event fired when a transaction is created.
EVENT_TRANSACTION_STARTED = "proxy.transaction.started"

#: Event fired when a message is sent to a transaction (either request or response).
EVENT_TRANSACTION_MESSAGE = "proxy.transaction.message"

#: Event fired when a transaction is finished, before the response is sent back to the caller.
EVENT_TRANSACTION_ENDED = "proxy.transaction.ended"

#: Event fired when an incoming request is ready to be filtered, for example by the rules application.
EVENT_FILTER_PROXY_REQUEST = "proxy.filter.request"

#: Event fired when an outgoing response is ready to be filtered, for example by the rules application.
EVENT_FILTER_PROXY_RESPONSE = "proxy.filter.response"

#: An error happened.
EVENT_PROXY_ERROR = "proxy.error"

[docs] class ProxyFilterEvent(Event):
[docs] def __init__( self, endpoint: str, /, *, request: HttpRequest, response: Optional[HttpResponse] = None, ): self.endpoint = endpoint self.request = request self.response = response
[docs] def set_response(self, response: HttpResponse): if response is not None and not isinstance(response, HttpResponse): raise ValueError( f"Response must be an instance of HttpResponse, got {response!r} ({type(response).__module__}.{type(response).__qualname__})." ) self.response = response
def _get_rule_name(self) -> str | None: if not return None return "on_" +".", 1)[-1] @property def criteria(self): return self.endpoint, str(self.request), self._get_rule_name()
[docs] def create_execution_context(self): return { "logger": logger, "rule": self._get_rule_name(), "endpoint": self.endpoint, "request": self.request, "response": self.response, "stop_propagation": self.stop_propagation, }
[docs] def execute_script(self, script: Callable): context = self.create_execution_context() script(context) if context["response"] != self.response: if context["response"] is None: self.set_response(None) else: self.update(context["response"]) return context
[docs] def update(self, mixed: Optional[dict | HttpResponse | Self]) -> Self: if mixed is None: return self if isinstance(mixed, ProxyFilterEvent): return mixed if isinstance(mixed, dict): mixed = HttpResponse(serialize(mixed), content_type="application/json") if not isinstance(mixed, HttpResponse): raise ValueError( f"Response must be an instance of HttpResponse or a dict, got {mixed!r} ({type(mixed).__module__}.{type(mixed).__qualname__})." ) self.set_response(mixed) return self
[docs] class TransactionEvent(Event):
[docs] def __init__(self, transaction: Transaction): self.transaction = transaction
[docs] class HttpMessageEvent(TransactionEvent):
[docs] def __init__(self, transaction: Transaction, message: BaseHttpMessage): super().__init__(transaction) self.message = message
[docs] class ProxyErrorEvent(TransactionEvent):
[docs] def __init__(self, transaction: Transaction, error: HttpError): super().__init__(transaction) self.error = error