Source code for harp_apps.proxy.settings.liveness.naive

from typing import Annotated, Literal, Optional, override

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from .base import BaseLiveness, BaseLivenessSettings, LivenessSubject

[docs] class NaiveLivenessSettings(BaseLivenessSettings): type: Literal["naive"] failure_threshold: Annotated[int, Field(gt=0)] = 1 success_threshold: Annotated[int, Field(gt=0)] = 1
[docs] def build_impl(self): return NaiveLiveness(settings=self)
[docs] class NaiveLivenessSubjectState(BaseModel): """Holds the internal state of the target subject. Will be attached as an attribute to the said subject, but only used by the liveness implementation.""" failure_score: int = 0 success_score: int = 0
[docs] class NaiveLiveness(BaseLiveness[NaiveLivenessSettings]):
[docs] @classmethod def get_state_of(cls, subject: LivenessSubject) -> NaiveLivenessSubjectState: _attr = f"__{type(cls).__name__}__state__" if not hasattr(subject, _attr): setattr(subject, _attr, NaiveLivenessSubjectState()) return getattr(subject, _attr)
[docs] @override def success(self, subject: LivenessSubject) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating if a state change happened.""" state = self.get_state_of(subject) state.success_score += 1 state.failure_score = 0 if state.success_score >= self.settings.success_threshold: return self.set_status_as_up_if_necessary(subject) return False
[docs] @override def failure(self, subject: LivenessSubject, reason: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating if a state change happened.""" state = self.get_state_of(subject) state.success_score = 0 state.failure_score += 1 self.add_failure_reason(subject, reason) if state.failure_score >= self.settings.failure_threshold: return self.set_status_as_down_if_necessary(subject) return False